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[ 转贴自:本站原创    点击数:6730    更新时间:2006/5/16 ]
Auxiliary ships

Icebreakers - These are ships maintaining navigation in winter by leading other vessels across ice tracks (and breaking ice-floes). Compared to common ships, icebreakers have a strong bow and different construction of the hull whose purpose is to make ice blocks lift up the vessel. The principle of operation is the following: the ship climbs up the thick ice and cracks it with its hull weight, this way clearing pathways for other ships to cross.


拖船(tug boat )


Salvage tugs (or tugboats) - high-speed vessels with an approximate length of 60 meters, used for towing barges and damaged ships and taking them across narrow canals or fairways. Tugs can do fast and easy manoeuvers to front, back and aside. This feature makes tugboats good assistants to big ships which cannot manoeuver on their own in narrow places and need help.

Salvage tug

Push tugs - vessels used for pushing an assembly of barges; Push tugs have very high superstructures which allow to keep a watch on the vessels in front and way ahead.

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